Thursday, March 24, 2011


These pictures represent Buddhist houses of worship, art, and culture. Buddhist pray and worship in monasterys. As for art and culture it is very complex, real, deep, detailed and to the point.


  • Buddha is our only Master.
  • We take refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.
  • This world is not created and ruled by a God.
  • The purpose of life is to develop empathy for all living beings without prejudice and to work for their good, happiness, and peace. Last but not the least; we need acquire acumen that will lead to the realization of Ultimate Truth.
  • We accept the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism
  • All accustomed things (samskaara) are transient (anitya) and dukkha and all conditioned and unconditioned things (dharma) are without self (anaatma).
  • The Thirty-seven qualities helpful in Enlightenment are different aspects of the path taught by the Buddha.
  • There are three ways of attaining Enlightenment, namely as a Disciple, as a Pratyeka-Buddha and as a Samyak-sam-Buddha. The life of a Bodhisattva, who is striving to become a Samyak-sam-Buddha, is the highest, noblest and the most heroic.
  • The different Buddhist beliefs, practices, rites and ceremonies, customs and habits followed in different countries should not be confused with the essential teachings of Buddha.
Buddhism is different because the emphasis changes from country to country due to customs and culture. What does not vary is the essence of the teaching — the Dhamma or truth.

There are a large number of religious texts and scriptures in Buddhism. They are basically divided into the following two categories…

Canonical Texts
Also known as the Sutras (in Sanskrit) or Suttas (in Pali), these texts are considered to the actual sayings of Lord Buddha.

Non-canonical Texts
These texts consist of a range of observations on canonical texts, discourses on the Dharma and the compilations of quotes, histories, grammars, etc.

Apart from the above-mentioned texts, there are a number of other classic scripture of the Buddhists. In the following lines, we have provided information about some of these texts…

Tripitaka (Pali Canon)
The term Tripitaka means three baskets. Initially, the text was written on long, narrow leaves, which were sewn at the edges, grouped into bunches and then, stored in baskets. It is one of the earliest compilations of Buddhist teachings. Over the years, many new observations were added to this text and today, it consists of up to 50 volumes. The collection is also known as Tipitaka (in Pali) or the Pali Canon.

Mahayana Sutras
Tripitaka is considered as a very sacred text by the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. However, it is not the only text in Mahayana. Infact, it has been added to the Mahayana Sutras, which particularly reflect Mahayana concepts. Mahayana Buddhism developed between 200 BCE and 200 CE and this is the time when most of the Mahayana Sutras were written. There are over two thousand Mahayana sutras, of which the most important ones are Lotus Sutra and Heart Sutra.

Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Tibetan Book of the Dead is the Tibetan text written by a Tibetan monk. It explains the stages of death from the Tibetan point of view. The experiences of a person at the stages of dying, at the moment of death, during the 49-day interval between death and rebirth and at rebirth is recorded in this book.\

As for buddhists prayers they include:
.Refuge Prayer
.Golden Chain Prayer
.Pure Land Prayer
.Buddhist Mealtime Prayer
.Metta Karuna Prayer

- What is most unique about Buddhism?
Buddhism is unique because Buddhism has answers to many of the problems in modern materialistic societies. It also includes (for those who are interested) a deep understanding of the human mind (and natural therapies) which prominent psychologists around the world are now discovering to be both very advanced and effective.

- How does Buddhism treat other people who are not Buddhist?
Buddhism is a belief system which is tolerant of all other beliefs or religions. Buddhism agrees with the moral teachings of other religions but Buddhism goes further by providing a long term purpose within our existence, through wisdom and true understanding. Real Buddhism is very tolerant and not concerned with labels like 'Christian', 'Moslem', 'Hindu' or 'Buddhist'; that is why there have never been any wars fought in the name of Buddhism. That is why Buddhists do not preach and try to convert, only explain if an explanation is sought.

-Womens rights in Buddhism?
By study on the status of women in Pre-Buddha Time and in the Buddha Time, it is clear that the influence of Buddhism to the status of women positively increases more. The difference between male & female is only gender. Wisdom and ability to realization of Dhamma are the same.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The origins of Buddhism lies in the story of Buddha himself. To understand the orgins we must understand Buddha's story:

Siddhartha Gotama (Buddha) was born into a royal family in Lumbini, now located in Nepal, in 563 BC. At 29, he realized that wealth and luxury did not guarantee happiness, so he explored the different teachings religions and philosophies of the day, to find the key to human happiness. After six years of study and practicing different methods, beliefs, and meditation he finally found 'the middle path' and was enlightened. After enlightenment, the Buddha spent the rest of his life teaching the principles of Buddhism — called the Dhamma, or Truth — until his death at the age of 80. By the time Buddha died Buddhism already had a vast following.


What is Buddhism?
-Buddhism is a religion to about 300 million people around the world. The word comes from 'budhi', 'to awaken'. It has its origins about 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha, was himself awakened (enlightened) at the age of 35.

What are the basic ideas of Buddhism?
  • Buddha is our only Master.
  • We take refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.
  • This world is not created and ruled by a God.
  • The purpose of life is to develop empathy for all living beings without prejudice and to work for their good, happiness, and peace. Last but not the least; we need acquire acumen that will lead to the realization of Ultimate Truth.
  • We accept the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism
  • All accustomed things (samskaara) are transient (anitya) and dukkha and all conditioned and unconditioned things (dharma) are without self (anaatma).
  • The Thirty-seven qualities helpful in Enlightenment are different aspects of the path taught by the Buddha.
  • There are three ways of attaining Enlightenment, namely as a Disciple, as a Pratyeka-Buddha and as a Samyak-sam-Buddha. The life of a Bodhisattva, who is striving to become a Samyak-sam-Buddha, is the highest, noblest and the most heroic.
  • The different Buddhist beliefs, practices, rites and ceremonies, customs and habits followed in different countries should not be confused with the essential teachings of Buddha.